Monday 13 June 2011

Monday Makeover - My room! (The 'before' shot)

First - a disclaimer... 

My room does not always look this bad! It quite often looks half as bad as this - that is to say pretty messy, but definitely not usually this bad!

This environment is shocking, embarrassing, and not at all conducive to working creatively 
(or safely, given how clumsy and accident prone I can be!) 

Soooo..... I have a plan!

I am a massive fan of storage, and I already have a good selection of pots, tubs, jars, shelves, boxes, nooks and crannys in which to beaver things away - but clearly it is not enough! (of course this mess is nothing to do with me - just lack of storage!)

It is obvious to me that I need more shelves... more workspace.... and more lovely storage...
I can feel a trip to a certain Swedish Blue and Yellow Superstore coming on...!

Watch this space for the amazing transformation of 'My room!'


  1. Mmmm storage...that's my favourite part of Ikea! It doesn't look too messy to me - or does that mean I really need to sort my own stuff out?!

  2. You won't find anything if you start putting it all in boxes. Leave it on the floor where everything is nice and visible.

  3. Ha ha! I spot an ironing board!!!!


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