Sunday 6 February 2011

Life, the universe and everything....

Well the last couple of weeks have certainly been hectic! I've been busy designing my new Lovely Layers range of goodies, making lots and lots of items for my first craft fair of the year at Fifi's Contemporary Craft Market, as well as living through a very difficult time at (real world) work where none of us are sure that we'll have jobs come the end of March!

But despite all this, I have still found time to get involved with the fabulous new organisation Yorkshire Made. In fact I am now officially a founding member! Yesterday we met for a planning meeting (AKA a jolly good gossip) and talked about all the fabulous plans we have for the future. It was wonderful to be among such fantastic company, sharing thoughts, ideas, laughs and ultimately arriving at a super, grand, masterplan and I had an absolute ball! The three and a half hours just flew by, and I can't wait for the next meeting!

We have started to put lots of bits of the masterplan into action, but not wanting to run before we can walk, we will be revealing each little bit only when we feel it is ready... so you'll just have to wait and see what's coming next! However I can reveal that we now have an exclusive short URL for our FB page so everyone can quickly find us (if you're not already a fan!) and an email address and will very soon be launching a blog!

But the best bit of the day was probably realising how much I had in common with my fellow founder members - especially a liking for the works of Douglas Adams! And so I thought I'd set myself the challenge of compiling a treasury of my favourite Folksy items based on a favourite phrase from one of his books - but I couldn't pick one!

So... to make things easier I have gone with one of the most famous 'Life, the universe and everything...' and have decided to pick an eclectic collection!

Ok... so did anyone spot that the items perhaps weren't as eclectic as I originally planned?

You can see more of my chosen items by clicking directly on the pictures!


  1. Hi Laura

    I have only one comment to make:

    "Slartibartfast for prime minister!!!"

  2. A very good choice! I greatly admire his work with the fjords in Denmark! x


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