After my earlier excursion into Leeds this week, I managed to escape again this weekend, this time into Sheffield! On account of both of us currently being unemployed (and subsequently being totally skint!) the visit was conducted on very frugal terms - but believe me that doesn't mean you can't have a good time!
The main reason for the visit was to go to see the Craft Candy fair that was being held at the Millenium Galleries in the centre of Sheffield. Those of you that have been following my blog since it appeared on my website will realise that this was an event that I hoped to be selling at, rather than just visiting, but alas it wasn't to be!
There was a fantastic range of quality stalls, with quite a few people that I recognised from the Folksy Forums, but unfortunately due to the imense numbers of visitors I couldn't get close enough to anyone to go and say hello! Quernus Crafts - whose daisy item I featured on my blog on Friday, was particularly overcome with visitors!
Whilst in the Millenium Galleries we thought we'd make the most of the other free exhibitions that were currently on display and saw a totally eclectic mix of items. The main exhibition was 'Watercolour in Britain' which had a fabulous collection of pieces by Turner, Blake and Edward Burra. We also managed to see 'Teatopia' which was a selection of artefacts related to our obsession with the drink, and the Ruskin Gallery.
Just outside of the Millenium Gallery is the beautiful Winter Gardens, full of exotic plants and ferns. Unfortunately, we decided to leave this haven of peace and tranquility just as it started to rain - hard!

After sheltering in a very handy branch of H&M until the rain stopped (gathering ideas of what we would like to spend our money on if ever we get paid!) we spent some time munching on our packed lunch while watching the big wheel and the city centre fountains, promising ourselves a trip on our next visit.
Next, a visit to the Graves Gallery, which just so happened to be above Sheffield Central Library, and which just so happened to have a copies of the books we both wanted! So, a quick detour to sign-up to sheffield libraries before visiting another free exhibition!
So all-in-all a jam-packed day which cost us nothing apart from train fare (and a sausage roll each!)