Friday 24 August 2012

Ideas and Inspiration: Pinterest

In my previous post I talked about how I use lots of online networks (such as cuteableetsy and pinterest) to search for new ideas and inspirations. I can now say - after a few more weeks using it - that I am finding Pinterest very interesting!

I find the ability to gather pictures onto my own personalised pinterest mood boards really helpful as it forces me to evaluate what I like, what I admire and how I would like to develop the made by lolly brand! (Not to mention being really useful for weird and wacky household tips and genius ideas! The best of which I have collected onto a board called.... Genius Ideas!)

All of the mood boards collected together creates a 'virtual scrapbook' that has also given me a better understanding of my own personal style and some fantastic new ideas to research and develop for future collections!

I find myself gravitating towards the 'Art', 'DIY and Crafts' and 'Illustrations and Posters' categories, but have found some of the most interesting pins in categories quite outside my normal areas of interest. It has also been quite revealing to 'follow' other peoples boards and see how different (or similar!) their style is to yours!

Whether you are a crafter looking for stall display ideas, a bride-to-be looking for wedding inspiration, or a keen baker searching for new cupcake designs, pinterest will have something for you... fact, I'm sure pinterest will have something for everyone!

I really would recommend joining pinterest - but be warned - it can be seriously addictive!
Happy Pinning!


Please feel free to leave me a comment linking to your profile - I'd love to have some new boards to follow!

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